Expositional and Expository Preaching and Teaching


“I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God.”

—The Apostle Paul to the Ephesian elders, Acts 20:27

All preaching done at The Reborn Church is based solely on the inspired, inerrant Word of God and is expository in nature.

The ultimate goal of expository preaching is to minimize one’s self and opinions in delivering the complete truth of the Word of God. The truths being taught come directly from the Bible so that the hearer’s faith will rest on God and not on man. The teaching at our church is expositional, we preach through individual books of the Bible, verse by verse.  We believe that all 66 books of the Bible, and every single verse within those books is the inspired Word of God, and therefore deserves our full attention and is applicable to the everyday life of the believer. 

Expository preaching differs from Topical preaching or teaching. Topical Preaching is when the preacher picks a topic he wants to address and then finds biblical material to fit that topic. Topical preaching is driven by the preacher’s agenda—what he wants to talk about. There are times, where topical preaching is necessary and we may teach on a specific topic, but the vast majority of our Sunday Worship services and our Wednesday night Bible Studies will be exposititional in nature. Expositional preaching begins with the Bible. A preacher does not decide what to preach and then look at Scripture; rather, he looks at a text of Scripture and allows Scripture to determine what he preaches.